People of the Earth, New Book Release

posted October 30th, 2014 by

When I first started painting, almost 20 years ago, it was natural that my early subject matter was dominated with “ethnic” people. At that time Anne and I were still working with an organization dedicated to serving these people. We had what you might call a full career with Wycliffe Bible Translators, 32 years, raising our family in four different countries, traveling to scores more, and working in multiple capacities. None of those was as “a painter,” however, until toward the end when that spirit took over and sent me in new directions.


Full color, 122 pages, handsome format, and at 8″x8, unpretentiously small. Order here.

Not only did I make paintings of these people early, I’ve continued to, at least sporadically, right through the present. It’s for this I’ve created a book specifically dedicated to my paintings of this genre. The following are some examples of page spreads.


Click on any of these images for an enlarged view.

My first idea was to create a catalogue of work still available, but it soon became something of a retrospective, including the likes of the two above, the one on the left now in a collection in Seattle, and the one on the right, at Biola University in La Mirada, California.


The book lists which pieces are no longer available. Approximately half still are, like the two shown above. (All in the book are available in custom print form, as described here.)


For these I always use photo reference, sometimes those I’ve taken, or found, or sometimes sent to me by friends . . . like the two above.


These from Guatemala were from photos I took. We lived there in the early 70s (our second child was born there) and have been back a couple of times since.


I’ve not been to India but I love their fearlessness of color. Throughout the book the captions include the date painted and the size. Both of these were in 2008; the one on the left is five feet tall, the one on the right, 12 inches.


These are from photos I took on Mfangano Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya. I was there in 2005 making paintings for an AIDS orphanage, for which the paintings raised some funds.


These are from more from photos of my own taking, in Masai Mara, Kenya. I still have a shield and spear from these guys, here watching their cattle.


Over the years I’ve done a lot of these life-size “standing portraits,” both women and men. Many are now in various collections, either in groups or as singles. Eighteen of them are in the book.


In all, 128 paintings are displayed. That’s not the total number I’ve done of this subject, but those that would fit without crowding on the 122 pages.


My days as a graphic designer (Art Director at Surfer Magazine, etc., many years ago) instilled sensitivities for handsome book design . . . color harmonies across spreads, subject matter arranged to makes sense and the liberal use of white space. It all matters.


The book’s text is minimal; it’s intended as an art book. The pictures tell the story. The purpose from the beginning is to honor these people. Though they’re fairly hidden and generally forgotten, they’re our neighbors on the earth. They are gems. Usually very poor, they can dress like they’re rich. They live right down in the dirt of the earth. But that’s where gems are found.


Buy the book, and let your eyes rest long on every page.


People of the Earth

Click here for ordering information

Shipping free within the USA and Canada
(others please inquire)


Ongoing and Upcoming Events


Fall Studio Show Coming Up

Save the dates, December 6 and 7, 2014

For more info, click here: House Show 12’14-web

Next Trip

As of next week we will be in Jericho and Israel for two weeks. The last week is a tour, for the first we’ll be with a group building a playground for a Palestinian boys school. They want me to paint pictures. Time will tell of what.

Semi-Private Coaching for Painters

Offering two-hour sessions on Mondays and on Saturday mornings
In the Hyatt Moore Studio, Dana Point
Call  949-240-4642

Printmaking Classes

Two-hour sessions in the Anne Moore studio, Dana Point
Call or email for more information or to schedule a class


  1. Pat Mitchell Oct 30, 2014
    1:46 pm

    God has certainly blessed you with talent beyond imagining!
    HE loves variety and you have definitely captured that.
    John and I look forward to your pictures of the Middle East
    when you return. Love and Prayers, Pat and John

  2. Yolondo M. Lupoe Oct 30, 2014
    2:16 pm

    This is so AWESOME! I am thrilled about your book!

  3. jcl Oct 30, 2014
    2:54 pm

    Wow, wow, wow. These are so very special. It is amazing how you are able to capture the individuality of so many different people groups around the world and actually nail it every time.

  4. Rita Hopper Oct 30, 2014
    3:41 pm

    You have some neat people in your “library”.
    Would be interesting to be in Israel again – Have a safe trip and enjoy the sweet oranges and tomatoes that have a taste like they are mixed with strawberries.

  5. Norm Oct 30, 2014
    6:26 pm

    Glorious pictoral, Hyatt. For God so loved.

  6. Lisa Hoyt Oct 30, 2014
    9:07 pm

    OHHHH Hyatt!!! These pictures are nothing but spectaclar in my opinion! WOW WOW WOW! Love the book!!! You are an amazing artist and anyone can see that! The light in those pictures, the detail of the faces and the costumes or dress, the faces!!!, they are amazing… I am so glad you did this blog on your wonderful Ethnic pieces… Love to all! Lisa

  7. Paul Carden Oct 31, 2014
    10:45 am

    Some gorgeous images—thank you for transporting us across the world.

  8. Sue Oct 31, 2014
    7:04 pm

    I’ll take two!

  9. Hyatt Moore Oct 31, 2014
    7:09 pm

    Sue, Thanks. Many are getting two. Ordering info supplied. H

  10. Jane Moore Nov 1, 2014
    4:43 pm

    This book and the accompanying brief descriptors is a work of art in itself. Beautiful, Hyatt. Looking forward to ordering for Christmas. Have a wonderful travel adventure!

  11. Laurel Hardt Nov 1, 2014
    8:38 pm

    I want one. It would be nice sometime if we could take you and Anne with us to skid row at the LA Mission where Gary works. Another pile of dirt where diamonds are formed.

  12. carmen goglanian Nov 3, 2014
    7:59 pm

    There is always full of life in all you paintings. The expressions, colors, and people.