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- A random collection of thoughts and sketches, poems, prosems and sometimes psalms, art-related or not — though everything is — while this blank slate continues to fill, sun by sun, season by season, as the heart beats, the eyes see and the mind continues to wander, ponder, and generally wonder.
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Our Lives Together Vintage photos with short essays of the early days of two artists before they knew they were artists. (Well, sort of.) A fun read. Click for more.
Its About Life A personal and creative take on the biblical book of Ecclesiastes, with sketchbook drawings to enhance the words. Includes that helpful perspective that though we're to put all we have into everything our hand finds to do, we can't win every time. Life is still good. Check it out here.
Recent Posts
- Morning Kitchen Light 6/9/2020
- The Rain 5/29/2020
- The Bee, Another Wonder 5/20/2020
- Macro to Micro with Us in Between 5/13/2020
- We’re Rich 5/8/2020
- Count the Stars 5/2/2020
- Knowing Nothing 4/29/2020
- Wonder and Einstein 4/26/2020
- Wonder: New topic (actually old) 4/23/2020
- A Couple Comparisons 4/8/2020