With Gratitude

November 27th, 2013

It’s been a custom around many a Thanksgiving meal I’ve been at to follow it with each person present naming one thing he or she is grateful for. Though such exercise need not be relegated only to Thanksgiving, that day in particular seems lacking if nothing happens.

And it need not be just a word, but a sentence, or a paragraph, expounding on that word.

Or if one word is too hard, find ten. Ten little things you’re thankful for. Since breakfast!

It shouldn’t be hard. And if it is, it’s all the more reason to practice.

Happiness and gratitude have everything to do with each other.The happier a person is, the more likely he’s going to be grateful. And the more grateful, the happier.

Gratitude expressed completes the circle. Unexpressed, there’s something still unfinished. Possibly painfully so.

Even the Lord, the giver of all, feels the lack. The story goes where ten lepers called out for healing from their quarantined distance. Jesus merely told them to go to the priests. (It was the priests who would pronounce a leper “clean” and fit again for society.) They all went off, experiencing their healings along the way. Only one returned—the non-Jew (having no priest?) thanking and deeply praising God for his newness of life. Jesus wondered at the thoughtlessness of other nine.*

Like I said, without the thanks, the good that’s been done is not quite complete.

So when you pray, open your eyes, and give thanks for everything you see.

It only follows: You will have a happy day.


*     Luke 17:11-19
PS  I gave a talk last Sunday, an overview of Ecclesiastes, containing some good bits to be grateful for. If you’d like to listen, click here.


  1. Rocky Nov 28, 2013
    6:52 am

    I’m grateful for your posts Hyatt. They DO minister to me. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Anne.

  2. Dave Oltrogge Nov 28, 2013
    8:14 am

    Thanks for this essay, Hyatt. It reminds me of an observation made at least once by K. Pike to the effect that not being thankful was the turning point in the downward slide described by Paul in Romans 1:21 ff. To express thanks, he said, carried with it the recognition of dependence on another, contra autonomy–the temptation to which Adam and Eve succumbed.

  3. Norm Nov 28, 2013
    9:21 am

    I used to teach my 4th graders that gratefulness was, “Letting God and others know how they have benefitted my life.” Then we would each write a note of thanks to someone, stating specifically how his or her actions brought us joy. Like you say, Hyatt, the action, not the contemplation, completes the circle and results in joy. I appreciate the reminder. Happy giving of thanks to you and Anne today!

  4. Moses Nov 28, 2013
    10:14 am

    Happy Thanksgiving my Compadre Hyatt! Shalom to you and your house. I enjoyed the “blog” and it brought back memories!

    I am prayerfully considering our Tuesday morning rondevous
    and would be willing to allow you to rest and recuperate form our lengthy dissertations! (Which I enjoy–hope you do to)

    Let me know, and go easy on the Turkey and especially the desserts.

    Sincerely yoked


  5. Randy Mosten Nov 28, 2013
    11:48 am

    Blessings to you Hyatt and the entire Moore Family. Your words of wisdom reach out in ways you probably have never thought or imagined. We give thanks for your gift and how you touch our lives. Today we are thankful to be celebrating this day with our Family and especially my Dad.

  6. Barbara Mitchiner Nov 29, 2013
    9:51 am

    Hello Friend,
    I didn’t know that one of the lepers was not Jewish.
    So I wonder if their “Heritage” was actually a stumbling,
    to them feeling gratitude?
    I love your reminder that Happiness & Gratitude go together. No matter how much we don’t like the “test”
    we may going through, it helps so much to see all the
    good around us! Thank You!
    Barbara Mitchiner
    P.S. I love the curtain you & Anne made!!!!