Stir Up Your Gifts

September 13th, 2013

Have you identified your gifts? Of course you have. You’ve known for a long time what you’re good at. Gifts, talents, they’re the things that come fairly easy to you, even when they don’t to others. Or even if they don’t always come easy, they’re the things you want to do. If you aren’t doing them, you aren’t being you.

Moreover, people tell you that you’re good that them. The affirmation further confirms, and encourages you to find ways to use them, or should.

Finding such opportunities may be a challenge. But even that further indicates your particular set.

I’ve been reminded lately that these gifts we’ve been given are not for us but for others. River-like, we’re just the source for the flow, or rather, the conduit.

Such a way of looking at it keeps us from being too self-conscious about it all . . . either proud or over-humble. These gifts are what they are; ours is to identify them, hone them, and put them to work.

“Tool,” in fact, might be the better word. A tool has been placed in your hands (your head, your heart, whatever) and yours is to figure out how it works and the unique contribution you can make with it.

And this should be happening all the more as time goes by. By now you should be better at what you were good at before. And, with use, you’ll be better yet.

This is both for your sake (it’s no fun going dull) and for the sake of others, whose world is less without your part.

So, stir up the gift that’s within you.

Only you can do what you can do
in the only way that you can do it.

It’s for the rest of us. Don’t stop. Or start again. We’re waiting.


  1. Joann cokas Sep 13, 2013
    1:49 pm

    You are talking to me again…..or is it still?


  2. Jane Moore Sep 13, 2013
    3:07 pm

    Love this…sending it to my daughter who has so many gifts of service to others, particularly the elderly (maybe that is me/I as well). Thank you, Hyatt.

  3. Barb Mosten Sep 13, 2013
    10:51 pm

    We just got home from facilitating our marriage preparation group and one of the topics was using our gift & talents in stewardship. We were continuing the discussion at home when we came upon today’s blog. God is so great at giving us what we need, when we need it. Thank you for sharing your gifts!

  4. Ursula Becker Sep 14, 2013
    9:44 am

    Did God tell you to tell me this?
    It is so encouraging to me and gives me a new boost to use my gift more.
    Thank you.

  5. christina carter Sep 16, 2013
    3:43 pm

    Hmmm. This is the second email in five minutes I’ve opened with the same message.

  6. Joyce Sep 19, 2013
    11:14 am

    Thank you for this timely article. This definitly spoke to me! You write so well and encourage all. I enjoy and am blessed by your articles.