Many years ago I was in a master’s level class entitled “Creative Leadership Personality.” Don’t ask me what I learned, but there was one exercise that really made a difference. Within the following 24 hours we were simply to do something we had never done before. Anything!
We all looked at each other with wonder and almost laughed at the audaciousness of it all. When had we ever received an instruction like that? Who had ever given the permission?
First was to come up with an idea . . . not as easy as one might think when it’s so open-ended. Life has guidelines; we’re conditioned to stay within them. As adults we’re seasoned to be dependable, predictable. But this was to shake all that up, to confront a hardening of the imagination and restore courage for thinking a new thing, and doing it.
It would take us off subject to relate what I or the others did. The next day we all reported on it. As you can imagine there were a lot of laughs.
It was great fun, but the lessons learned were solid. Like: How do I come up with an idea when anything goes? Answer: Limit the context, “What can I do now?”
Then once the idea has come, how do I overcome initial inhibitions in the mind? Answer: Remember the time limit, move quickly into it.
Then, how do I become the slightly different person, at least for that moment, to pull it off? Answer: Just do it.
Finally, am I now a slightly bigger, broader, deeper, more courageous, and more experienced person than before? Answer: Of course.
Finally, finally, will I go on to be that bigger, broader, deeper, more courageous person ongoingly? Answer: It depends.
But first it’s all about the permission. That’s what we need. After that, watch out! Great things are on their way, or at least new things.
So, friends, whatever it is that you’ve been thinking about but haven’t let yourself do because it’s too big, too different, too audacious but could, should and would happen if you only had the permission; I hereby grant it to you.
You have my permission. Now grant it to yourself. Today’s the day.
(Let me know what happens.)
12:08 pm
Thanks Hyatt – always interesting!!
1:27 pm
Now this is what our younger generation needs to hear in their classrooms nowadays. One thing I fought for years as an elementary school teacher was the conforming nature of a large group of students “living together” for a year. The group inadvertently ended up defining each student, with time. Great for the good looking and athletic ones (what James Dobson once called the “gold and silver coins of human worth”), but the majority of kids would slowly sink into a quagmire of limitation and diminishment. For many, nothing short of divine visitation can re-awaken the courage to try something new. As you say, Hyatt, they simply lose track of the voice that gives them permission. You message is a wake-up call, to both young and old!
1:34 pm
I’m curious. What did you choose to do?
3:16 pm
Timely and true.
5:23 pm
Love this hyatt!! You’re right. I can’t think of something right away. Maybe I’m content. On the other hand maybe God wants me to run a marathon. I certainly hope not. Glad to have your permission however.
3:06 pm
Hyatt… love this…. love your paintings… are quite a guy😀
5:37 pm
As always an intriguing notion to wonder about. At first I was thinking of dozens of simple things – eating a jalapeno; but then I wondered about more exotic – skinny dipping in the ocean, making a net to catch a squirrel, but almost as quickly I found myself thinking, well doing things I am doing today will be brand new tomorrow since the day is new…. so ultimately I came around to the notion that actually, literally, every moment is new and if I just grasp that reality, my engagement with it will not be routine… and so I end up with the idea of “being present” is the key and I am able to understand 2 Cor 5:17 in a “new” way…
8:47 pm
As I recall, Jesus took the very ordinary eg. water, and turned it into something magical, wine. I like your idea, Francis, for with the attitude you describe, the commonplace can turn into something given, something worth appreciating with depth.