Vernon’s Progress–A Breakthrough

October 9th, 2014

Couldn’t resist offering this link, from the blog a day or so earlier, featuring their daughter Justine.

Someday we may learn what’s been going though Vernon’s mind during these four and a half months. Then again, maybe not. The significant thing is as of yesterday, it seems he “woke up.”

Anyone that’s been following the blog, SansOxygen, mainly by his wife Allison, has had quite an adventure–in literature, perspective, and real-life drama. I, for one, have been quite impressed, and I’m not just saying it because she’s our daughter. There’s been an “overcoming” here, even with no guarantee that there would be an actual overcoming. But then yesterday’s blog, by her, brought us to tears.

Read and watch it here: Hold Your Breath


  1. Tim Shank Oct 9, 2014
    11:29 am

    How awesome!!!What a moment in life. So many pass and are then forgotten, even really good ones that make us happy. But the day Vernon’s train came in will be a tough one to forget. Just amazing. God is good. Praying for further recovery.

  2. Kathleen Oct 9, 2014
    11:49 am

    What wonderful news, Hyatt!
    Prayerfully, Kathleen

  3. Gregg Lancer Oct 9, 2014
    11:57 am

    Amazing. And the blog post was / is equally powerful. This shows a clear sign a GREAT HOPE! I rejoice with you.

  4. Carolyn Teas Oct 9, 2014
    12:11 pm

    Suffering is the stuff miracles are made in. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful…I can’t say it enough times to express the wonder in my soul at beholding. What an honor to come alongside Jesus, along with so many others, and join with Him in this process of healing and restoration. It’s been a joy to listen, wait, pray and watch God do what only He can do. Thank you for inviting the rest of us to come along for the ride.

  5. Jane Moore Oct 9, 2014
    12:38 pm

    A light at the end of a very long tunnel. This is the greatest news.

  6. Cathy Oct 9, 2014
    12:51 pm

    That’s amazing!! All of us have been keeping you in our thoughts. Hope this is just the beginning of his amazing recovery!

  7. Donna Oct 9, 2014
    2:13 pm

    Hyatt, We are overjoyed! And left speechless… rejoicing with you with tears in our eyes and great admiration for you daughter and the way the Lord works! Love to you all~!

  8. Lisa Hoyt Oct 9, 2014
    2:24 pm

    OHHHHHHHHHHH my gosh, praising The Lord, Hyatt! I wrote to Allison but there was a glitch in it and so I don’t think she got it! I will try again! WOW! God is sooooooo magnificent! WOW! Praising this morning with tears in my eyes over all this! Thank you Lord! That is all I will say! Love to all! Lisa

  9. Kent Pace Oct 9, 2014
    3:43 pm

    As I read Chris’ update and then watched the video, tears streamed down my cheeks. I don’t know Vernon well, but I know the people that love him and we are overwhelmed by this blessing. My heart is soaring with joy.

  10. Melissa Oct 9, 2014
    3:53 pm

    Unbelievable, what a beautiful miracle! It touches our very depths and our beliefs and
    emotions. So grateful for this blessing to your family!

  11. carmen Oct 11, 2014
    5:33 am

    Hyatt, I am so happy for all of your family, and I can’t even imagine how excited your daughter is. Vernon woke up and is processing everything. Flood gates from his memory is pouring out. Wow…Praise God.

  12. Mercedes Oct 16, 2014
    2:32 pm

    This is WONDERFUL news!!! God is listening :)


  13. John Oct 20, 2014
    2:29 am

    The day this blog arrived Syl & I were praying expressly for Alison & family.
    Our prayer – often silent whispers to God for breakthrough now are in evidence.
    Outcomes towards recovery are miraculous evidence. We are overwhelmed at this
    Amazing progress. We pray with renewed faith.
    John & Sylvia