Above, details from new works.
I thought you’d enjoy the following. It’s a “poem” I constructed out of the titles of Anne’s recent work.
In preparation for the Festival of Arts in Laguna where she has summer-long involvement, she’s been producing new art . . . marvelous art, I might add. Besides her great pieces she also adds (after the fact) the most evocative and interesting titles. As I help her, for the sake of her website, with the photography and photoshop work to follow, I interact with the titles. In doing so, this time I sensed a theme coming through. Though there was nothing conscious about it, and the titles were put on in random order at different times, I put them together in a paragraph.
I’m calling all this Anne’s hidden (and unconscious) message, ultimately deciphered by me.
Here’s the list of titles (with sizes), followed by my sentences.
Ascension, 15×8
Bargaining Power, 17.5×12
By Mutual Agreement, 18×12
Change of Direction, 11×9
Concealed Consequences, 16×20
Considering Options, 11×9
Delicate Demands, 20×16
Divided Attention, 14×20
Elevated Appointment, 15×9
Engaged in Play, 16.5×20
Entitled to Play, 13×16
Field of Vision, 19.5×13
Fragrance of Hope, 11×10
Liberating Yesterday, 20×45
Muted Memory, 12.5×10
Opening Doors, 10×24
Open Invitation, 15×10
Orbiting Obscurity, 11.5×10
Overlooking the Past, 22×16
Profound Promise, 20×12
Promised Perspective, 10×14
Quiet Devotion, 11.5×10
Restoring Faith, 11×9
Set Free, 21×10
Voices of Yesterday, 11.5×10
Willing to Ascend, 20.5×11.5
Here’s my take on her “hidden message”:
By mutual agreement, using all bargaining power and considering options, putting aside concealed consequences of delicate demands, orbiting obscurity and divided attention, I propose an open invitation for overlooking the past and the muted memory of voices of yesterday. Yes, a change of direction, an elevated appointment, an ascension, an opening doors . . . all for a fragrance of hope that will include the promised perspective of a quiet devotion and a restoring faith . . . a field of vision with a profound promise that you (and we) will be set free. How? By liberating yesterday, by being engaged in play . . . even entitled to play. Are you willing to ascend?
When I read this to Anne she found it delightful. Maybe you too?
BTW, all these works can be viewed on her website, by name, under “New Work,” here.
Lots of her work, and mine, and daughter Allison’s will be on display at our show this weekend. Here’s the announcement. Come if you can.
8:51 am
Thank you for letting me know about your show.
So many people come into “Inspiration” and tell me they know you and love your work!!!
Thinking of you and Anne and wishing you well.
Elizabeth hammond
9:34 am
Always liked Anne’s titles but your poem tells a story/invitation that is great to read. Work looks beautiful. We won’t be able to make it to the show but wishing you and Anne have a great show and many will leave inspired by the beauty you both create…also owners of it :)
1:32 pm
Thank you, Pil. I look forward to seeing you, Dao, and more of your beautiful work soon.
6:47 am
Always amazing Hyatt….seeing God’s beauty through you and Anne….thanks for sharing!
David and Mary in Raleigh, NC
7:59 pm
Can’t help rejoicing every time we see how the Lord put you two together…..What a team! You inspire us all……and you both are so skilled at visualizing God’s amazing wonders. What fun it would be to attend your art show…..maybe sometime!
10:17 am
Your commentary and indeed your love for Anne and her art make her artistic expression all the more interesting. Connecting the rhythm of each and revealing a theme is an interesting concept. In and of themselves, the titles are art. They could be title-less and I would still be fascinated by each piece. Everything in the work itself is understated and layered and so looking closely, it’s easy to spend a few minutes at least on each design. I love Anne’s representational style and her sense of form. Really exciting to see them all together and then to see what you have done with the titles. Glad you photographed each one because they will be gone in a few months.
10:37 am
Mom you are so creative; I have always been fascinated by how the deep well you have found, or created, for great names continually draw from.