Russian ikon, Solomon and his temple.
I came across a psalm the other day written by Solomon. I’d not thought of Solomon writing psalms, but there it was. The opening statement was familiar enough: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” I’ve heard that; I just hadn’t put it together with Solomon, the master builder.
Didn’t he build the temple which was one of the wonders of the world? And didn’t he extend and enrich the Jewish kingdom far beyond anything ever done before or since? And didn’t he do it through a superior gift of wisdom given to him by virtue of his prayer as well as his sonship of a particularly pious father? Yes. And there may be more reasons. But they’re not the reasons he gives. He just says, “Unless God’s in it, it ain’t gonna happen.”
The nice thing about that is it opens the field to the rest of us. We may or may not have special gifts or be part of a unique heritage, but we all have access to the one who created us . . . and who is pleased to go on creating through us. It is something to acknowledge, and we’re further helped if we do.
Reading on down through the psalm, I come to another familiar phrase: “Children are a heritage from the Lord; blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”
I’ll take that.
What intrigues is the juxtaposition of those two thoughts. Here from a building we’ve move to a family. From a house to a home. And once again, it’s the Lord that makes the difference.
It’s been my experience, hopefully yours too.
Whatever we’re doing, we’re building; we’re reproducing in some way. We’re thinking of things to do next, new projects, endeavors, activities. It’s how we’re made. And we’re all the happier if we feel we’re succeeding, that there’s fruit coming from it all.
Below, a random moment at breakfast, the family gathered for Vernon’s memorial, just half the grandchildren represented.
But the mystery of the fruit is the life in it; and that comes only from the Lord.
Take it and run with it.
Psalm 127
12:17 pm
Excellent commentary, Hyatt! It has certainly been true for Judy and me, also!
12:41 pm
So beautiful! You and Anne are a great testimony to those truths….love it that you mention that it opens the field for the rest of us!
1:14 pm
Hi Hyatt,
I love this!! so very true! Thank you for sharing.
May the Lord continue to bless you in your art and creativity, to bring joy to others and glory to His name.
2:03 pm
Those verses are like invites, each reaching deep. God-with-us, clearly life’s treasured find. Well put, Hyatt, thanks for sharing!
2:25 pm
Amen, Hyatt! Truth we so often neglect. Thanks for the reminder brother! ;o)
7:27 am
Love seeing all the bright and healthy faces of beloved ones. No better thing to do than to praise God for what He gives and produces in all of us!
7:49 am
As always you have selected a great passage from the bible.