Run Your Course

June 20th, 2013

And let us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us.* That’s a Scripture with a specific context but also a word of encouragement for many applications . . . whatever our course.

For each of us that course is delineated by many things. And it’s actually very narrow, like a runner’s track. It’s clarified by both our abilities and our limitations.

In my younger years I thought I was going to be an engineer, being the son of one (and now the father of one) but in time realized I was about as good at math as getting myself out of handcuffs in a locked safe under water.

I think my brain leans toward the right.

We learn these things about ourselves and it helps. And, life being short, we need to focus on our strengths and let our non-strengths go. Why forever knock our heads against the wall?

Once I took an aptitude test which, after a lot of questions, listed a plethora of occupations. I thought I’d find possibilities all over the page. But no, I found very few, like about three . . . with two of those not really that great.

Some of the rest I “could do,” but it wouldn’t be me expressing my real self. It would be somebody else’s track; mine is specific to me.

So, maybe I’m not as broad a person as I might have thought, but knowing it helps me focus.

It helps me run with perseverance my own personal race.

And though narrow, there is something limitless about it. We don’t know how far we can go. Only the pursuing will tell us.

Growth only stops when we quit.

So keep going. Persevere. Push through your previous limits.

Show yourself what can be done, not to mention the rest of us.

We’ll root for you . . . while we’re running too.


*Hebrews 12:1




  1. David Foster Jun 20, 2013
    9:57 am

    A good word for me to hear today…thank you Hyatt for running your race well, it is helping many of the rest of us as well….
    David in Raleigh, NC

  2. Rocky Jun 20, 2013
    10:03 am

    Thanks Hyatt. I seem to push through my limits only when “pushed” by words like yours or by the strong encouragement of friends that come along side. It seems that the Lord always gives me those and so I move forward, hopefully growing and serving God’s purpose and plan for my life.

  3. Norm Jun 20, 2013
    11:29 am

    I like what you say, Hyatt, about each of us having a race specific for us. There’s an insecure side of me that says God is only pleased when I’m a certain type of personality (always not like me at all!). It’s like a fake Norm that toys with me and tells me all my faults. God reminds me to ignore this voice, and to simply be who I am in Christ, and allow him to “new-creature” me. Not make me like someone else, but rather return me to my real, original me. That authentic person can then see the path, the race, and pursue it with clarity and trust, and confidence.

  4. ann phillips Jun 20, 2013
    11:58 am

    Thanks for all the continued encouragement Hyatt!! God is speaking through you…keep it up!:)

  5. Lisa Jun 20, 2013
    11:19 pm

    Isn’t it amazing when you learn something new about yourself! about what you are really good at or not good at. I marvel at that, truly marvel. I remember growing up always striving to be what my parents wanted me to be instead of finding out who I was to be, on my specific path, directed by The Lord of course. I love that I am here now, understanding this at least and learning bit by bit what The Lord wants me to be seeing in myself, doing for Him in this life with what He has given me, and glorifying Him in all I do.

  6. Stanley Francis Jun 21, 2013
    5:59 am


    IMHO, your brain leans neither right nor left. You approach your creativity very locially & analytically and your style of logic & analysis is very creative. Though the balance shifts back and forth, neither side seems to totally dominate in any given moment. I submit this, your blog as a case in point.
