The Scream, by Edvard Munch, reminding us to not panic but accept the things we cannot change.
Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where it falls, there it will lie.
Things happen. Why they happen one way and not the other is beyond anyone’s control. Sometimes they’re inconvenient, sometimes disastrous. Either way, they just are.
How much in life do we really control?
Our attitude, maybe, and that’s hard enough.
It may be the thing you’re chaffing at right now is in the category of things that can’t be changed.
We can only change our mind.
Things beyond our control include:
The weather
Other people
That building blocking our view
The reality that “right or wrong, he’s still the boss”
That life contains pain
Our past
The speed limit
These are just a sample of the things that are what they are. To recognize what we can’t change is a step toward acceptance. And acceptance is grace.
We should all want to grow in grace.
We should also note the kind of things that just are but we’re well used to, like the race we were born into, and the times, our country of origin, our gender. We had no choice in a great many things; we just accept them and go on from there.
“Who can straighten what is crooked?”
“What is twisted cannot be straightened.”
Accept it.
But don’t sit idle. Identifying what can’t be changed may just be context for action.
Another from the Ecclesiastes sage:
“Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.”
Things are what they are, but still there’s response to be made, work to be done, life to be lived.
We recognize the things we can’t change, accept them, and we go from there.
It’s just another thing that is.
Ecclesiastes 11:3, 7:13, 1:15, 11:4
Next time: Face it–We Won’t be Remembered. Coming Saturday.
10:34 am
Good word Hyatt….
11:08 am
Please don’t change the way you write these devotionals.
11:24 am
Acceptance is grace. These words will be sticking with me; one who has spent large portions of time asking Why? Love this today Hyatt. Thank you.
11:27 am
I hope one day you will memorialize all of these blogs in a bound journal. Am I just “old school” for things like this (although I love reading the blogs)?
11:30 am
Thanks Hyatt. Accepting the things we can’t change can be “taxing,” eh? :-)
12:21 pm
you continually amaze me. I am so impressed with your writing and of course, your painting. You should write a book…..just from these blank slates.
it was a good affirmation for me to read today.
I need to visit soon…..Need a red tulip.
1:29 pm
Things are what they are, and it is what it is… difficult pills to swallow at times, however, I’ve found that once you do, you can live! :)
3:56 pm
Oh Hyatt! Like the other Lisa in this blogging ritual —-that I have come to love so much! I love that acceptance is grace too. I too have spent a lot of my life asking WHY? I am so much more content these days to just say OH, OK. It is this! OK. And leave it there and look to what brings peace in my heart for that moment. Very satisfying and so much less of a frenzied existence. Love love
6:29 pm
Love to read your thoughts. Yes, it would be an interesting tome to have all of the blogs in one place! Keep them coming – they are inspiring.
8:24 pm
May I truly accept, and be grace-full.
10:33 pm
Yep, it is what it is! : D