Show this Weekend, Your wife called

posted November 22nd, 2019 by

I saw this billboard in Texas: “Your wife called, said to pick up some diamond earrings on the way home.”  It was followed by the jeweler’s name. I thought it was pretty funny.  Who knows how effective it was, but it might have gotten some loved ones thinking about gifts for another. I can’t help but see the tie in with our big discount-price show this weekend.

Here’s a preview of how some of the rooms are shaping up, each with its own theme. Abstracts adorn the living room wall going up to the loft.

In a space to herself is Yellow Fields Blues, my second rendition of this beauty, in different colors, under a relic Mexican hat and above a defunct clarinet.

Placement is the challenge in hanging a show: how to get a lot up in limited space without looking crowded. We rearrange walls all the time. When someone says, “I have no more wall space,” I just say, “Rearrange.” There’s always space.

A rendition of the mission at San Juan Capistrano with my own take of colors, here among various artifacts of Guatemala, Peru, and a rooster which I believe I got in Jakarta.

One of the walls in the office: landscapes of California and Wyoming, and a painting of a girl looking at a painting.

In the dining room-kitchen, an abstract (above the saddle) paired with a semi-abstract . . . and, through our door from Bali, some of Anne’s works in the guest room. (As with all, click to enlarge.)

Speaking of Anne’s prints, here are three handsome pieces hanging under the Masai spear I carried home from Kenya one year. All of them over a hand-made Mexican table and a cement French clock that hasn’t worked since the Revolution.

More of Anne’s work in the master bedroom. While she uses high quality non-reflective glass in her framing, it’s hard to photograph any art under glass. You have to see these in person to fully appreciate.

I will have a number of works unstretched, like this black, white and cream abstract. It’s not unusual for me to do this, the stretching happening later at the framing stage. I also have lots of “flat art,” basically pieces mounted on paper, like the few shown on the desk here.  BTW, that lamp shade is one of Anne’s creations with her printmaking technique (nfs) and daughter Allison’s wall art from when she lived in that room.

There’s no hallway without art hanging in it. Here in the upper level are mostly figurative works, and figurative abstract, another favorite genre of mine.

One more, an impressionistic landscape from you-decide where, here with a menagerie of small artifacts from many trips, and an old trumpet “just because.” Not shown an any of these photos are also lovely still lifes and bold westerns.

Actually there are well over a hundred works on display. As advertised, it’s a half-price sale for all paintings. Anne’s work is also discounted. So don’t miss it. And consider shopping online. If you find something on the websites, write me an email and we can discuss it. That’s and Email:

Here’s the invitation.

PS, I think your wife just called. I think she wants a piece of art for Christmas. Or was it her birthday? Or anniversary. All three?

If none of the above, just come to look around and enjoy the friendship. I know you’ll love it, and we’ll be happy to see you.



  1. Mabel Pittman Nov 22, 2019
    9:56 pm

    Praying this will be a fantastic weekend for you…..sometime when we’re out there, gotta see you guys….would be fun to get there at the right time to enjoy one of your shows. Blessings! (What a unique idea…..your wife just called!! :)

  2. Wayne Nov 23, 2019
    8:09 am

    Thanks for the photos of your home. I miss being abl3e to be there.

  3. John Poparad Nov 30, 2019
    8:35 am

    “Those are my drawings (of the Daytona coupe) on the two pages, of which there were many more.”

    Are copies of all your line drawings of the Daytona Coupe available and at what cost.

