Anne Moore printmaker Im Anne Moore, the other half of Moore and Moore Art. Hyatt, my husband, is the painter (; Im the printmaker. We share the studio, we share ideas, and we share a love for the many varied cultures of the world. While very much a student of printmaking, I enjoy the hands-on, contemplative work, the surprise of pulling a new print, the reward of seeing effort, experience and innovation unite. I especially like it when the registration is right on, the pressure on the press is perfect, and when I havent gotten inky fingerprints on my luscious white paper! All my work is printed on quality BFK Rives or Arches paper. In addition, I often use colorful imported papers with wonderful textures, or I may print on my own handmade paper. I appreciate your taking the time to view my work and Id like to receive your comments. For further information, use the Contact option. Enjoy your tour of the galleries!
contents copyright © 2005 Anne Moore for art by Hyatt Moore see |